The Black-backed Grosbeak is a South American bird that is
frequently sold as a pet.
I have not found a lot of information on this bird.

Black-backed Grosbeaks have a black head and back and the
underparts are a bright yellow.
The wing and tail have white patches.
There is reported several subspecies of this bird and
most are reported to have a yellow rump.
Females are similar but duller in color.

Probably like other Grosbeaks and eats seeds and insects.

No information.

No information.

:Habitat and Range:
The Black-backed Grosbeak is found in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia,
Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela.
They are found in arid valleys and forest edges
and will visit gardens and agricultural areas.

Black-backed Grosbeaks sing from high perches.
Their song is a series of melodic whistled phrases, and their
call is a sharp 'tink' note.

No information.

No information.

No Information.

w4;June 2012
w43;June 2012