<i>Ardea goliath</i><br />
Length: 55"<br />
Wing Span:
the Goliath Heron is very large, mainly Slate colored and chestnut colored.
The bill is very large, legs tend to sag below horizontal in-flight.
Iris yellow, Bill Black above, horn below.
lores and eyering greenish yellow, legs and feet black
eats fish, frogs, small reptiles and mammals.
Will also eat crustaceans and carrion.</p>
nest is a platform of sticks in a tree or bush, on rock, ground, island,
Cliff or flattened water plants. Nest is usually solitary, sometimes colonial or in mixed herony.
Usually lays 3 to 4 eggs. The eggs are pale blue or greenish blue. The nestlings are fed by both parents.
:Habitat and Range:
found in larger shallow inland waters and estuaries.
Solitary bird, stands in water for long periods waiting for prey.
Flies slowly. Rather shy.</p>
<p>deep raucous sounds hippopotamus like, other harsh grunts and organ like notes.


