Very large size. Male is mostly black with white wings and white, buff or rufous tail, female brownish grey, neck and legs very long neck nearly naked, bristly
:--- :Diet:
Grass, berries, seeds, succulent plants, small reptiles, insects.
:Courtship:Males may perform elaborat displays in courtship and distraction when breeding. Breeds in all months but dependent on rainfall in arid areas.
:Nesting:Nest is scrape in sandy soil. Average is 1 male to 3 females in drier years, otherwise more nearly monogamous. Male guards eggs until clutch complete. Each females lays 3-8 creamy yellow, glossy, deeply pitted eggs.
:Habitat and Range:Occurs in flocks of 30-40 birds when not breeding. More (600) may gather at waterholes in desert regions. Adults and young of 1 month old or more can run 50-60 km/h
:Vocalization:Male has deep booming 4-syllabled boo boo booooh hoo, sounding like a lion far away
Somewhat nomadic.