The Andean Tinamou are found in high altitudes in the Andes. Their name is derived from Latin and Greek and means "small hidden tail". They are not strong fliers and are mainly found on the ground.

Their plumage is various shades of brown with black and white markings. The bill is decurved and the legs and feet are yellow. I believe the sexes look similar.


:Diet: Andean Tinamous eat a variety of foods that include small fruits, insect larvae, seeds, shoots, and potatoes and barley crops.

:Courtship: The male will mate with multiple females in a season.

:Nesting: The male builds the nest, mates with multiple females that lay their eggs in his nest (up to 14 eggs in one nest). The male will then incubate the eggs and care for the chicks. The chicks are precocial and able to leave the nest and feed themselves after a few hours of hatching.

:Habitat and Range: The Andean Tinamou are found at high altitude shrub land in the Andes Mountains of South America including: Ecuador, Northern Chile, Peru, Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. They prefer subtropical or tropical shrub land.


:Plumage/Molt They do not have an alternate plumage.

:Migration: They are non-migratory.

:Tongue/feet: Three toes facing forward and one small toe facing backward.

:Bibliography: w4;November, 2012 w74;November, 2012