The Ashy-headed Goose is from southern South America. They have a brownish back, chestnut neck, the underparts are white with black bars and they have a grey head. The primary flight feathers are black, the secondary feathers are white, and the greater wing-covers are black, edged with green and white tips. The inside of their legs are black and the outside are a reddish-orange. The eyes and bill are black and the bills has a slight downward curve at the tip.

Both sexes are similar, but the male may have little or no barring on the underparts. Juvenile birds are duller and have brown heads.

Even though the number of Ashy-headed Geese is declining, they are of "Least Concern" for extinction.


:Diet: Grazes on grass and other plant material.

:Courtship: No information found.

:Nesting: The Ashy-headed Goose's nest is built in tall grass. 4-6 eggs are laid.

:Habitat and Range: Favors damp upland forest clearings.

:Vocalization: The male's call is a soft whistle, and the female's is a harsh cackle.

:Plumage/Molt: Does not have an alternate plumage.

:Migration: Ashy-headed Geese breed in the mountainous areas of Southern Chile and migrates to the north-east part of Argentina and southern Chile.

:Tongue/feet: No information found.

Bibliography: w4;June 2012 w39;June 2012