The Green Oropendola is a common bird in the Amazon and the Guianas of South America (northeast) where they live in colonies. They are predominately yellowish olive colored with some underparts and rump chestnut colored. The tail feathers are partially yellow, the bill is white with an orange tip, and the eyes are blue. Both the feet and legs are black. Males and females look similar but the female is smaller.

The Green Oropendola is widely distributed and the population is believed to be fairly stable.


:Diet: Eats insects, fruit and nectar.

:Courtship: The male swings to-and-fro from a branch as he displays his vibrant plumage and sings. He may also do a deep bow.

:Nesting: They breed in colonies of 5-30 nests. The female builds a pouch shaped nest at the tip of a branch which is woven from various plant materials. The female usually lays 2 greenish-white eggs marked with browns and grays and it is believed that she does all the incubation and feeding while the male guards the nest.

:Habitat and Range: Green Oropendola inhabit tall humid undisturbed forests and are found in the canopy and borders of forests. They are found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. The Green Oropendola is distributed in the Amazon Basin as far south as northern Mato Grosso.

:Vocalization: No information.

:Plumage/Molt: Does not have an alternate (breeding) plumage.

:Migration: Apparently sedentary.

:Tongue/feet: Black legs and feet.

:Bibliography: w4;June, 2012 w39;June, 2012 w40;June, 2012 w2;June, 2012 b31