The Yellow-fronted Canary is a small songbird (passerine) in the finch family from Africa. Another name for this finch is the Green Singing Finch. It was imported to the Hawaiian Island in the 1960s and is found on the Big Island, Oahu and Molokai. The male Yellow-fronted Canary is yellow on the rump, underparts, and the head. The head also has a gray crown and nape and a black malar stripe. The back is mixture of green, brown, gray and yellow feathers. Legs are feet are gray. The bill is conical. Females are similar but somewhat duller.


:Diet: Yellow-fronted Canaries eat seeds, flowers, leaves and insects. During breeding they will consume more insects and also eat nectar.

:Courtship: Monogamous relationship.

:Nesting: The deep open cup nest is built mostly or totally by the female and is made of various plant fibers bound with spider web. It is typically placed in the fork of a bush, tree or creeper.

Two-five eggs are laid and incubated by the female. The male will feed her while she is at the nest. The female feeds the chicks from the food that the male gives her.

:Habitat and Range: Found in dry open woodlands and cultivated areas.

:Vocalization: Its song is a warbled zee-zeree-chereeo.

:Plumage/Molt: unknown

:Migration: Not a migrant in Africa.

:Tongue/feet: unknown

:Bibliography: w4;June, 2012 w1;June, 2012 w19;June, 2012 w20;June, 2012