African Silverbill 1 Flock of African Silverbill's chirping and flitting around. Allen's Hummingbird 1 Male Allen's Hummingbird sitting on a branch. American White Pelican 1 American White Pelican feeding at Miller Knox Park in Richmond, CA American Avocet 1 American Avocet feeding and preening. American Bittern 1 American Bittern walking along the marsh. American Coot 1 American Coots feeding on a lawn. American Oystercatcher 1 American Oystercatcher on the beach in Texas preening. American Robin 1 American Robins drinking from a puddle of water. American Wigeon 1 American Wigeons swimming and calling in the San Francisco Bay (also one Eurasian Wigeon). Anhinga 1 A male and female Anhinga in their nest. Anna's Hummingbird 1 Female Anna's Hummingbird bathing and feeding in my backyard. Bald Eagle 1 Very simple video of a Bald Eagle sitting in a tree. Baltimore Oriole 1 Baltimore Oriole eating an orange in Texas. Barn Swallow 1 Barn Swallow chirping. Barrow's Goldeneye 1 Male and female Goldeneye swimming at Lake Merritt. Black-bellied Plover 1 Black-bellied Plovers in alternate plumage running on the beach. Black-bellied Whistling Duck 1 Simple video showing some Black-bellied Whistling Ducks on a fence post. Black-billed Magpie 1 Black-billed Magpies making noise on the beach. Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 Simple video of a Black-crowned Night Heron. Black-necked Stilt 1 Jumpy video of two juvenile Black-necked Stilts. Black Oystercatcher 1 Video of a Black Oystercatcher calling and eating on some rocks. Black Phoebe 1 Video of some Black Phoebe babies using an infrared camera. Black Skimmer 1 Black Skimmers on the beach in Galveston. Some calling and preening. Black Turnstone 1 Black Turnstones feeding on the rocks. Black-throated Gray Warbler 1 Black-throated Gray Warbler preening. Blue-winged Teal 1 Pair of Blue-winged Teals feeding. Boat-tailed Grackle 1 Boat-tailed Grackle chirping on top of a car. Brandt's Cormorant 1 A video of Brandt's Cormorants during the breeding season made from still shots and a video. Brant Goose 1 Very simple video of some Brant Geese swimming. Broad-billed Hummingbird 1 Broad-billed Hummingbird sitting on a branch. Brown Creeper 1 Brown Creeper walking up a tree looking for food. Brown Pelican 1 Brown Pelicans frolicking in the water on a windy day at Middle Harbor, Oakland. Bufflehead 1 A couple of Buffleheads swimming in the S.F. Bay. Bullock's Oriole 1 Singing Bullock's Oriole. Burrowing Owl 1 A video of a juvenile Burrowing Owl and adults. A bit jiggly. Bushtit 1 A short video of a bushtit on a bush. Cactus Wren 1 A Cactus Wren making a depression in the dirt and sitting on a tree. California Quail 1 California Quail taking a dust bath and preening. California Thrasher 1 A California Thrasher sitting on the ground looking around. Canyon Towhee 1 The videos are from Embudito Canyon in Albuquerque, NM. Canada Goose 1 Juvenile Canada Geese eating and some adults drinking from a puddle. Carolina Wren 1 Carolina Wren singing from a branch. Chestnut-backed Chickadee 1 Chestnut-backed Chickadee feeding from my backyard feeder. Caspian Tern 1 Caspian Tern making noises at the Middle Harbor Park Beach. Chukar 1 Chukar calling in the early morning in Utah. Clapper Rail 1 Clapper Rails walking, feeding, preening and calling. Cliff Swallow 1 Cliff Swallows gathering mud for nests. Cinnamon Teal 1 Male Cinnamon Teal swimming. Common Goldeneye 1 Male Common Goldeneye preening and female feeding in CA. Common Loon 1 Common Loon in alternate plumage eating a crustacean. Common Merganser 1 Juvenile Common Mergansers. Common Moorhen 1 Two small videos of young Common Moorhens. Common Murre 1 A juvenile Common Murre swimming. Common Redpoll 1 Shaky video of a Common Redpoll chirping and sitting in a tree. Common Yellowthroat 1 Short clip of a singing Common Yellowthroat. Cooper's Hawk 1 Adult Cooper's Hawk shaking out his feathers. Curve-billed Thrasher 1 Two clips of a Curved-billed Thrasher vocalizing in the southwest. Double-crested Cormorant 3 Eating fish. Downy Woodpecker 1 Downing Woodpecker pecking at a bush. Eared Grebe 1 Eared Grebes swimming and diving. Eastern Meadowlark 1 Poor quality video but demonstrated the Eastern Meadowlark's song. Eastern Kingbird 1 Eastern Kingbird sitting on a barb wire in Texas. Elegant Tern 1 Elegant Terns on the beach at Middle Harbor, Oakland, CA. Eurasian Wigeon 1 Eurasian Wigeon swimming. Fulvous Whistling Duck 1 Videos of Fulvous Whistling Ducks, one where two are snapping at each other. Gambel's Quail 1 Outside of the visitor center at Basque del Apache, NM Golden-crowned Sparrow 1 Golden-crowned Sparrow bathing. Gray Catbird 1 Catbird sitting in a tree. Gray Flycatcher 1 The Gray Flycatcher is a rare visitor to the Bay Area - Knowland Park, Oakland. Gray Francolin 1 Two Gray Francolin in the bushes on the Big Island, HI. Great Egret 1 Great Egret eating a fish Great Egret 2 Great Egret eating a lizard Greater Roadrunner 1 Greater Roadrunner preening in captivity. Great-tailed Grackle 1 Female Great-tailed Grackle eating a fish at Salton Sea, CA. Green Heron 1 Green Heron sitting on a bank near Galveston, TX. Green-winged Teal 1 Feeding Green-winged Teals Grey Crowned Crane 1 Captured Grey Crowned Crane at the Hilton Resort in Hawaii. Java Sparrow 1 Java Sparrows on the Big Island, Hawaii. Killdder 1 Killdeer calling and running around in Oakland and Richmond. Little Blue Heron 1 A Little Blue Heron in the Flordia Everglades. Long-billed Curlew 1 Long-billed Curlew feeding at low tide. Mallard 1 Mallard Ducklings. Mallard 2 Female Mallard feeding and preening. Marbled Godwit 1 Marbled Godwits along the shore in Emeryville. Marsh Wren 1 Singing Marsh Wren. Nene 1 Adult Nene and goslings. Northern Cardinal 1 Northern Cardinal feeding on an orange. Northern Mockingbird 1 Northern Mockingbird singling from a branch. Pacific-slope Flycatcher 1 Pacific-slope Flycatcher watching over nest. Pacific Loon 1 Pacific Loon at Bodega Bay, CA. Phainopepla 1 Short video of a Phainopepla perched in a tree. Pied-billed Grebe 1 Juvenile Pied-billed Grebe preening. Purple Gallinule 1 Purple Gallinule at Brazos Bend State Park, TX. Some vocalization. Pyrrhuloxia 1 Juvenile Pyrrhuloxia sitting on a branch in Arizona. Red Junglefowl 1 Red Junglefowl and chick rooting around in the grass. Red-necked Phalarope 1 Red-necked Phalarope feeding at Bodega Bay, CA Ring-necked Pheasant 1 Ring-necked Pheasant crossing the road at Sacramento Wildlife Refuge, CA. Saffron Finch 1 Saffron Finch feeding a juvenile and another one sitting in a tree. Spruce Grouse 1 Spruce Grouse walking down a gravel road in Alaska. Surf Scoter 1 Female Surf Scoter eating a mussel or clam. Swainson's Hawk 1 Short video of a Swainson's Hawk on a tree branch. Some vocalizing. Tricolored Heron 1 Tricolored Heron searching for food in Galveston, Tx. Turkey Vulture 1 Turkey Vulture feeding on the beach at Bodega Bay, CA. Western Meadowlark 1 Western Meadowlar singing at LLano Seco Unit, SWLR, CA. Western Sandpiper 1 Feeding Western Sandpipers at Middle Harbor, Oakland, CA. Western Scrub Jay 1 Western Scrub Jay burying an acorn. White Ibis 1 White Ibis finding along a sidewalk in Florida. White-crowned Sparrow 1 White-crowned Sparrow singing at Point Lobos, CA White-faced Ibis 1 White-faced Ibis feeding in a field near Llano Seco Unit, CA White-rumped Shama 1 White-rumped Shama sitting in a tree in Hawaii. Wild Turkey 1 A feeding Wild Turkey. Wood Stork 1 A preening Wood Stork. Yellow-billed Cardinal 1 Yellow-billed Cardinal sitting and chirping on a tree. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 1 Juvenile Yellow-cronwd Night-Heron sitting on a branch. Yellow-fronted Canary 1 Yellow-fronted Canary searching for food on the ground. Zebra Dove 1 Zebra Doves in Hawaii.