Albany Bulb, Albany, CA

A former dump, this East Bay Park is filled with old cement, bricks, re-bar, etc., and local artists have used these materials to create some fun art. Walking along the paths can be an adventure. You never now what may be around the corner. There are also a lot of people walking dogs, some are well behaved and others need to be avoided.

While paths can take you to most parts of the Park, at low tide you can walk around the shore of the "bulb" part of the park. Only a little rock hopping is needed. There used to be various homeless encampments but that seems to have decreased.

Albany Bulb gets a lot of shorebirds, ducks and sometimes you find unusual birds such as Eurasian Wigeons. One of the best place to bird is along the road coming into the Park. You can see American Wigeons, American Avocets, Black-bellied Plovers, Buffleheads, Bushtits, California Gulls, Scaup, Northern Pintails, Semipalmated Plovers, Great Blue Herons, etc. I have seen raptors such as Osprey, Peregrine Falcons, and Red-tailed Hawks.

In early 2009 part of the plateau was fenced off for Burrowing Owls and other animals.

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