Martin Luther Regional Park, Oakland, CA (Arrowhead Marsh & Garreton Point)

Located near the Oakland Airport, this is one of the best places to bird in the East Bay. In the winter months you can see Clapper Rails, Virginia Rails and Soras. It is also good for ducks, shorebirds, some songbirds and various raptors. Two of my favorite places at MLK are:

Arrowhead Marsh
During the winter months, Arrowhead Marsh is the place to go to see Clapper Rails, Virginia Rails and Soras, especially during a real high tide. Sometimes when you are on the pier they are so close you can almost touch them. I also find that with a very low tide I can see the Clapper Rails walking by the pier. There is always a variety of shorebirds, sparrows, Pelicans, terns, ducks, a few shorebirds, etc. I have also seen quite a few raptors.

The main entrance is off of Swan Way (between Pardee Drive and Doolittle Drive).

Garretson Point
Garretson Point is at the north entrance of MLK (at the very end of Edgewater Drive). When you first enter, there is a little pond of water that I frequently see various ducks including Teals in the winter months. Shorebirds and ducks can be found around the shore.

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