Patterns Information Catalog, Last modified 6/23/2003
Vogue Patterns
7010 (1999) S105 |
7039/677 (1999) S122 |
7070 (1999) S112 |
7100/685/7550 (1999) S147-2 |
7108 (1999) S124-2 |
7109 (1999) S123 |
7162 (1999) S138 |
7190 (1900) –S148 |
7222 (1999) S146-2 |
7241/7551 (2000) S159 (have both) |
7243 (2000) 7243-2 |
7253 (2000) S175-2 |
7291/7552 (2000) S174-3 (Have both) |
7296/719/7553 (2000) S181-2 |
7330/7554 (2000) S184-4 |
7352/7555 (2000) S190 |
7384/7556 (2000) S194-4 |
7421/7558 (2001) S205-4 |
7536 (2002) S248 Lined
Dress, Lined Dress with Rufflele, Lined Wrapped Dress, Sleeveless Shirt &
below the kness pants, Short Sleeved Blouse and Shorts, and Bag |
7550 Re-issue of 7100/685 S147 |
7551 Re-Issue of 7241 S159 (have both) |
7552 Re-issue of 7291 S147 (have both) |
7553 Re-issue of 7296/719 (1996) S181 (have all) |
7554 Re-issue of 7330 (1997) S184 (Have all) Lined
Dress with straps, Halter Dress with Sleeves, Halter Top & Skirt, Pant
Dress, and Hooded Top & Pants (interfaced top) |
7555 Re-issue of 7352 S190, Fashion Doll Clothes –
Circa 1840 &1850, Dress A has trim details and contrast back on hat. Dress and Hat B have lace trim &
optional decorative machine stitching.
Pattern for petticoat with boning and lace details. |
7556 Re-issue of 7384 (1996) S194 (have all) |
S235 |
7558 Re-issue of 7421 S205
(have both) |
7559 Re-issue of 9834 S92 (have all) |
7728 (2003) S266 |
7758 (2003) S265-2 |
7560 Re-issue of 9894 S95 (Have all) |
7598 S263 (2002) |
9531 (1996) S69-3 |
9686 (1997) S86-2 |
9759 (1997) S90-2 |
9834/7559 (1998) S92-3 |
9867 (1998) S96 |
9894/7560 (1998) S95-3 |
9917 (1998) S104 |
9964 (1998)S101-3 |
9985 (1998) S103 |